
Thursday 4 July 2013

India is a global leader of deaths in road accidents!

This is definitely news that breaks many homes each day. India’s unenviable record of being the global leader in road fatalities, during the year 2011, there were around 4.98 lakh road accidents, which killed 1.42 lakh people and injured more than 5 lakh persons, many of whom are disabled for rest of their lives. These numbers translate into one road accident every minute, and one road accident death in less than four minutes. Sadly, many of these victims are young people, those who are economically active.

Road safety is an issue that affects everyone in India.  We all need to use the roads to get around – to school, to work, to the doctor, to the shops, to the cinema. Most of us use the roads every day, as drivers, passengers, cyclists and pedestrians, and for many people driving is the main part of their job.  It is essential therefore, to ensure that, as far as possible, we can all use the roads in safety.

The tremendous increase in population of Traffic, its bad management and the pathetic conditions of the roads pose regular danger to human life and make every day travel, an ordeal. You often wonder what you get to encounter more in any given day, the number of potholes or cows. Abusive behaviour or the non-functional traffic signals leading to utter chaos. Traffic jams for no reason. What can we do but mutter under our breath or loud enough for everyone to hear that things will never change!

Why India lacks so much in terms of road safety and traffic management? When compared international level it stands nowhere. It is very difficult to get the answer the many questions related to traffic that come to mind each time we get out of our homes. This is the time when we should stand up to initiate a way to stop further damage.

We  know that things can change and we believe that the significant majority of road users will find relief with proper traffic management, positive messages and appropriate encouragement. Our endeavour is to provide training, improve driving skills, bring matters to general public and help people to fight for their rights so that they don’t just miss their flights and trains but also their lives that are wasted mostly on the roads.

We do not underestimate the difficulty of the task, especially in big cities with heavy traffic. But with the help of common man and authorities and concerned persons should achieve this as we are committed to doing just that.